Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Profile of ADHD sharpens in each school year

Great story in The Los Angeles Times about how one family deals with a child with ADHD and gives great background on the condition. Definitely an excellent read if you've ever wanted to know more about ADHD, like this piece from the article:

"Researchers are starting to realize that in some cases, ADHD only becomes apparent in middle and high school, when student life gets more complicated and classes become more demanding. Hyperactivity often wanes as children reach adolescence, but teens are expected to deal with multiple teachers and be more independent and organized. Those who were able to muddle through elementary school may lack the attention skills needed to cope, Vitiello says."

Sometimes you can have the lucky misfortune of being born with a nearly photographic memory. Then you could be, say, a 26-year old MBA student before someone tells you for the first time that you've compensated for your ADHD your entire life.

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