Thursday, August 12, 2010

IALI Condemns Bigoted Attack Against Raj Goyle

I just received the following e-mail from the IALI that I wanted to pass along to everyone:

From: Indian American Leadership Initiative
Subject: IALI Condemns Bigoted Attack Against Raj Goyle
Sent: Aug 12, 2010 1:16 PM

Dear IALI Friends:

Yesterday, Raj Goyle's opponent in his race for U.S. Congress, Mike Pompeo, used Twitter to direct his followers to a blog posting which he said would be "a good read" about the campaign. Pompeo's suggested reading ( includes, in part, the following:

"Just like his evil muslim communist USURPER comrad [sic], barrack hussein obama, This goyle character is just another 'turban topper' we don't need in congress or any political office that deals with the U.S. Constitution, Christianity and the United States of America!!!"

IALI President, Kathy Kulkarni, commented that "It is stunning that a candidate for federal office would support such a hateful and bigoted tirade. There are always people on the fringe who will use ethnic smears to attack Indian Americans, but we are outraged that a candidate for Congress would encourage his supporters to use such tactics. It is un-American and certainly contrary to the values of the people of Kansas. It is unfortunate that, even in 2010, we see campaigns tactics employed to generate fear, prejudice and hatred."

Four years ago yesterday, Senator George Allen of Virginia made reference to an Indian American as "Macaca" and the voters decided that he was not fit for elected office. Let's make sure Raj Goyle's opponent for Congress sees the same fate. To support Raj Goyle and for more information, please go to

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