Saturday, June 28, 2014

Fantastic New Ad Encouraging Girls to Explore Science and Math

I have to admit, as a father of two young girls, this ad hit home even though I try to be as encouraging about science and math as possible.

There was a nice writeup in Huffington Post about it as well, which mentioned this troubling statistic:
"...66 percent of 4th grade girls say they like science and math, but only 18 percent of all college engineering majors are female."

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Friday, June 13, 2014

Is Warner Brothers seriously going to make a "SHAZAM" movie?

It is still unconfirmed but rumor has it that Warner Brothers is going to announce the following DC Comics-based movies sometime soon:
May 2016 – Batman v Superman
July 2016 – Shazam
Xmas 2016 – Sandman
May 2017 – Justice League
July 2017 – Wonder Woman
Xmas 2017 – Flash and Green Lantern team-up
May 2018 – Man Of Steel 2
The name that jumps out at me is Shazam scheduled for July 2016. While most people these days think of it as a smartphone app and nothing else, the name actually comes from a very campy TV series from the mid-1970's. How campy, you might ask? Well, here you go:

Friday, June 6, 2014

The current state of the big comic book movie universes | Den of Geek

This is a pretty thorough analysis on where the comic book movie universes currently stand. The post starts with a brief mention of the planned Star Wars universe, which probably has enough fans to blow all of these out of the water entirely. However, I am curious to see where it ends up, especially since it's under the same Disney ownership as Marvel and you would hope there is some cross-pollination of ideas. (Although I doubt they'd go whole hog and adopt Patton Oswalt's idea below.)